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Question 7: The term that describes the fact that both parties to a contract cannot receive the same value is called an insurance company that has legal capacity if it is authorized to sell insurance in that particular state and acts within its statutes. There are certain additional factors in your insurance contract that create situations where the total value of an insured asset is not remunerated. B) Guarantees: The guarantees of insurance contracts are different from those of ordinary commercial contracts. They are imposed by the insurer to ensure that the risk remains the same throughout the policy and does not increase. For example, if you borrow your car for auto insurance from a friend who does not have a license and that friend is involved in an accident, your insurer may consider this a breach of coverage because they have not been informed of this change. As a result, your application may be rejected. However, a compensation contract is one that pays an amount equal to the loss. Compensation contracts attempt to return the insured to his or her initial financial situation. Fire insurance and health insurance are examples of compensation contracts. An insured who has a $50,000 fire insurance policy and suffers a loss of $5,000 as a result of a fire can raise up to $5,000, not $50,000.

The insurance contract or insurance contract is a contract in which the insurer undertakes to pay benefits to the insured person or on his behalf to a third party if certain defined events occur. Subject to the “principle of eternity,” the event must be uncertain. Uncertainty can be either when the event will occur (p.B. in a life insurance policy, the time of death of the insured is uncertain) or if it will occur at all (p.B. in fire insurance, whether or not a fire will occur). [4] For the vast majority of insurance policies, the only page that is highly tailored to the insured`s needs is the declaration page. All other pages are standard forms which, if necessary, refer to terms defined in the declarations. Some types of insurance, such as .B. Media insurance, however, is written as handwritten fonts that are either created from scratch or written from a mix of standard and non-standard forms. [37] [38] Therefore, insurance endorsements that are not written on standard forms or whose language is adapted to the particular situation of the insured are called handwritten notes. An insurance contract is a document that constitutes the agreement between an insurance company and the insured. At the heart of any insurance contract is the insurance contract, which defines the risks covered, the limits of the policy and the duration of the policy.

In addition, all insurance contracts state: Reinsurance occurs when your insurer “sells” part of your coverage to another insurance company. Let`s say you`re a famous rock star and you want your voice to be assured for $50 million. Your offer will be accepted by Insurance Company A. However, insurance company A is unable to retain all the risks, so they pass on some of that risk — say $40 million — to insurance company B. If you lose your singing voice, you will receive $50 million from insurer A ($10 million + $40 million), with insurer B paying the reinsured amount ($40 million) to insurer A. This practice is called reinsurance. In general, reinsurance is practised to a much greater extent by group insurers than by life insurers. Insurance is a contract of the highest good faith. This means that the policyholder and the insurer must know all the essential facts and relevant information. There can be no attempt on the part of either party to hide, disguise or make mistakes. A consumer takes out a policy that relies heavily on the insurer`s and agent`s explanation of the features, benefits, and benefits of the policy. Insurance applicants are required to disclose the risk in a complete, fair and honest manner to the agent and insurer.

Concepts relating to the greatest good faith include guarantees, insurance and obfuscation. These are the reasons why an insurer might try to avoid payment under a contract. If you provide incorrect information to deceive, your insurance contract will become invalid. To that end, the insurance contract shall govern, when determining the persons entitled to the insurance, the date of their eligibility, the conditions which must be fulfilled in order to be insured, where applicable, the benefits to which the participants are entitled and the circumstances in which the insurance ends. To be legally enforceable, a contract must be concluded with a final and unrestricted offer (offer) of one party and the acceptance of its exact terms by the other party. In many cases, the offer of an insurance contract is made by the applicant when the application is submitted with the initial premium. The insurance company accepts the offer if it issues the policy as requested. If a counter-offer responds to an offer, the first offer is not valid. Question 3: Legal purpose is a term used in contract law, which means that endorsements are generally used when the terms of insurance contracts need to be changed. They could also be issued to add certain conditions to the directive. The present case is another example of the dangers of the current complex structuring of insurance policies. Unfortunately, the insurance industry has become addicted to the practice of incorporating one condition or exception after another into policies in the form of a language tower of Babel.

We join other courts in condemning a trend that plunges the insured into a state of uncertainty and instructs the judiciary to resolve it. We reiterate our call for clarity and simplicity in politics, which fulfills such an important public service. [20] A) Insurance: These are the written statements you have made on your application form that represent the proposed risk to the insurance company. For example, on a life insurance application form, information about your age, details about your family history, profession, etc. are the representations that should be true in all respects. A violation of statements only occurs if you provide false information (for example. B in important statements. Your age). However, the contract may or may not be void, depending on the type of misrepresentation that occurs Obfuscation The issue of obfuscation is also important for insurance contracts. Obfuscation is defined as the applicant`s failure to disclose a known material fact when applying for insurance. If the purpose of the obfuscation of the information is to defraud the insurer (i.e.

obtain a policy that might otherwise not be issued if the information was disclosed), the insurer may have reasons to cancel the policy. Here too, the insurer must prove obfuscation and materiality. Most non-insurance contracts are commutative contracts – the amount of consideration provided by both parties is usually about the same. Thus, a contract for the purchase of a property usually requires payment of the amount of its value. .